White Knight SellingSM

White Knight SellersTM

White Knight LeadersTM

Selling the White Knight WaySM

Selling in a Time of Crisis, Tumult and Turmoil

Kent's Top-10 List of Real-World Sales Challenges

1.     Our prospecting activity slowed or stopped.

2.     My salespeople don't know how to modify their talk tracks/messaging to engage prospects without sounding insensitive, predatory or devoid of empathy.

3.     Our salespeople are frozen by these objections/statements:

     i.     I'm too busy.”

     ii.     We're all working from home/in lockdown.”

     iii.      “Our budgets are unclear/frozen.”

     iv.      “We're not meeting with any vendors at this time.”

     v.      “We need to wait until all the dust settles.”

4.     Prospects aren't responding to our emails or marketing.

5.     My salespeople are struggling making the shift from in-person prospecting, qualifying or closing, to doing everything “remotely”.

6.     Our best salespeople rely on sales strengths (e.g. personality) that disappear or don't transfer onto the phone, Zoom or WebEx.

7.     Emotional disruptions are hijacking our salespeople. (e.g. Paralysis. Guilt. Inadequacy.)

8.     My sales managers need new ideas to energize their salespeople.  (Cadence. Confidence. Content.)

9.     We need better approach strategies built upon the formula for trust. Trust = Intent + Expertise. (Our value proposition cannot appear insensitive or predatory.)

10.     We must gain entry to the C-Suite now more than ever.

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